27/01/08 - Suzi buat cup cake untuk bekal anak sulung Suzi ke matrikulasi. Suzi pakai resepi cup cake Diana. Pastu Suzi pukul fresh cream guna stabilised whipped cream resepi Baking 911 (caranya pun dibawah) untuk sapu atas cup cake tu. Sementara tu anak dara Suzi yang 7 tahun tu (Syahirah) buat sugar paste bunga merah & oren. Suka sangat dia. Sebenarnya Suzi bawa dia ke rumah Ayu masa belajar decorating pakai fresh cream. Dia suka sangat buat gumpaste ...dia cuba kat rumah Ayu dengan anak-anak Ayu tu. Sejak tu asyik tanya bila nak buat gum paste tu.Suzi sekeluarga suka cup cake ni. Boleh dapat 25 cup kecil. 10 untuk anak sulung, 5 untuk Syahirah nak bawa sekolah. Yang lain dalam perut masing-masing. Sedap...
Orange butter cup cakes
200g tepung
1/4 st baking powder
1/2 sb tepung susu
250g mentega
5 biji telur
175g gula
2 sudu besar jus oren
parutan kulit dari 1 oren
1. Putar (A) sehingga gebu & tidak bergentil.
2. Pukul (B) sehingga lembut & pekat.
3. Masukkan (C) ke dalam (B) dan gaul hingga sebati.
4. Campur (A) dan adun hingga sebati.
5. Tuang dalam acuan cup cake sehingga 3/4 paras acuan.
6. Bakar suhu 190C selama 20 minit.7. Keluarkan cup cake & biar sejuk.
Stablelized Whipped Cream
1. Let whipped cream sit for 20 minutes so warms to room temperature. Put a mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer to chill. You will use them in step 4.
2. Prepare gelatin: 2 tablespoons cold water and 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin per 12 - 16 ounces of cream
Soak plain gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes. Dissolve by placing it in a container over a small pot of simmering water. Let cool.
3. Whisk cream with a wire whisk a few minutes just to incorporate. Let gelatin mixture cool to tepid. It will ball up if it is directly mixed with the whipped cream and will cause it to melt. To prevent this, with a whisk, beat in about one quarter of the whipped cream into the dissolved gelatin -- don't mush it around or stir. After mixing, whisk the gelatin/whipped cream mixture back into the rest of the whipped cream until the gelatin dissolves, about 1-2 minutes. You will whip it later after it has chilled.
4. Refrigerate mixture for 1-1/2 hours or 45 minutes in the freezer, which is my favorite way. Rewhip with an electric mixer with chilled beaters and bowl until fluffy and billowy. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate.