Just last week, I wanted to get the experience in entering a creative competition. Wow! it is really an effort. A week before competition I already started R&D on my new cookie. With all the preparation and excitement, I almost wanted to give up. Here some of the coverage in the papers and my name is on the top list. Too bad I don't have time for decorations. I also learn fruit carving while waiting for the competition.
Recipe: Shrimpcut
195gm tepung gandum
60gm tepung ubi
¾ sudu kecil soda bicarbonate
½ sudu kecil garam
30gm udang kering
1 tangkai daun kari
60gm cornflake dikisar
60gm gula kastor
3 sudu besar minyak sapi.
Minyak jagung Daisy secukupnya
Kuning Telur
Tabur udang geragau
Chocolate hiasan
Campur semua bahan A dan ayak. Basuh, tos keringkan dan kisar udang kering dan daun kari. Campur semua bahan B ke dalam bahan A. Kacau rata. Letak minyak sapi dan minyak jagung Daisy hingga menjadi satu adunan.
Terap dan sapu kuning telur dan tabur udang geragau dan hias dengan chocolate hiasan.
Bakar dalam oven pada suhu 150C selama 25minit atau kekuningan.
Week prior to the Daisy competition, I went to Ajinomoto for free Dim Sum classes. I love Dim Sum. Doing it from scratch with our bare hands is fun. Those interested please register at www.ajinomoto.com.my and the classes is FREE.
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شركة تنظيف منازل بالقطيف
شركة تنظيف منازل بالقطيف
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