Saturday, February 28, 2009

28/2/09 Fancy Jelly Marine Life & Fish for Siti Radhiah

Suzi buat kek agar-agar ini untuk Siti Radhiah. Satu untuk hantaran dan satu lagi untuk majlis perkahwinan. Suzi masukkan kek pandan gulung sebagai dasar kek agar-agar ini. Setiap warna ada rasa yang berbeza. Yang putih adalah campuran santan dan perasa pandan. Yang oren perasa mangga dan yang merah jambu perasa strawberry.

I made these today for Siti Radhiah. One for wedding gift and the other for the wedding. I put pandan swiss roll as the base of the jelly. Each colour has different flavour. The white is actually a mix of coconut milk and pandan flavouring. The orange colour has a manggo flavour and the pink is strawberry flavour.


Resepi ni ambil dari buku "The Magic of Agar-agar" diterbitkan oleh Bake With Yen.

Resepi Asas Agar-agar

A (Masak Agar2)
25 gm agar2 serbuk (Suzi pakai agar2 yang bertali)
1200 ml/gm air
400gm gula (Suzi pakai gula batu semuanya)
Beberapa helai daun pandan ( Suzi tak guna ni)
(Suzi siapkan air panas untuk campuran)

B (coconut milk mixture)
Campur semua: (Suzi cuma pakai santan kotak cap ayam)
Sebahagian santan

Sebahagian susu full cream UHT

2 camca besar campuran santan -UHT Milk bagi setiap 100gm of campuran agar-agar.
1 camca besar campuran santan -UHT Milk lebih kurang 15gms

1. Jerang A sampai hancur. Buang daun pandan.
2. Letak campuran agar-agar di dalam “double boiler” supaya agar-agar panas dan cair sementara membuat lapisan agar-agar atau bunga agar-agar.

1. Resepi agar-agar di atas adalah resepi asas bagi semua corak agar-agar. Jikalau anda membuat banyak corak dan memerlukan lebih banyak campuran agar-agar, anda bolehlah gandakan resepi agar-agar ini mengikut berapa banyak yang anda perlukan.

2. Bagi mendapatkan warna kabut pada agar-agar tambahkan 2 camca besar campuran santan-UHT dan setitik warna bagi setiap 100gms campuran agar-agar.

3. Bagi mendapatkan warna yang jernih tambahkan 2 camca besar air panas bagi setiap 100gms campuran agar-agar. (ini bagi memsatikan kepekatan jelly adalah sama bagi semua corak).
4. Tiada campuran diperlukan bagi membuat agar-agar bunga. Ini untuk memastikan bunga itu keras dan boleh berdiri sendiri. Cuma tambah warna bagi mendapatkan warna agar-agar yagn jernih untuk bunga dan campurkan warna dengan campuran santan-UHT bagi mendapatkan warna bunga yang kabut.

5. Biarkan aje agar-agar mengeras dalam suhu biasa, tidak perlu di masukkan dalam peti sejuk sampai semua corak sudah digubah dan siap dihidangkan. Jika tidak agar-agar tidak bercantum sesame sendiri.

6. Ukuran bagi cecair di sini menggunakan berat (gm) berbanding dengan ukuran (ml) untuk memaastikan ianya tepat sebab lebih mudah ditimbang daripada dilihat ukuran pada mata kasar.

Fuh... jenuh menaip... sekarang penerangan Suzi pula.
Suzi jerang agar2 dengan gula batu tu sampai hancur. Padam api. Bila dia nak keras Suzi jerang semula. Suzi tak letak daun pandan. Tujuan Suzi supaya Suzi boleh guna perasa lain untuk setiap colour yang Suzi guna. Kebanyakkan ikan karp ada kombinasi 3 warna i.e. putih, merah, hitam atau putih, oren ,hitam. Cara membuat ikan karp.
1. Renjis/basahkan acuan plastik ikan. Ini gunanya supaya senang agar2 nak dikeluarkan.
2. ceduk dalam 50gm agar2 tadi buat warna merah atau warna oren. Campurkan perisa. Warna merah Suzi letak perisa strawberry. Warna oren Suzi letak perisa mangga. Campurkan 1 sudu besar/makan air panas/suam. Kacau sebati. Tuang sikit dalam acuan cara rambang aje. Biasanya Suzi tuang di sirip, ekor dan tengah badan atau kepala. Biar sekejap. sementara tu buat warna hitam.
3. ceduk 50gm agar2 taruh warna hitam chef master campur dengan perisa pandan yang tak berwarna (clearless) dan 1 sudu besar/makan air panas. Bila warna merah/oren macam nak beku/keras tuang warna hitam di tempat yang kita kehendaki.
4. ceduk dalam 150gm agar2 campur dengan 3 sudu makan santan kotak dan campur sedikit warna putih. Bila hitam agak nak beku/keras tuang warna putih dalm acuan. Kalau tak cukup tambah agar2 lagi sampai penuh acuan ikan tu. Masa tu Suzi tak ada fresh milk. Kalau ada tak payah guna colour putih. Susu akan memutihkannya. Kalau guna santan aje warnanya warna kabut/kabus/ cam tak putih sangatlah... . Biarkan beku. Suzi letak dalam freezer jap sebab nak cepat beku lepas tu keluarkan dari acuan kedalam loyang biskut yag telah dibasahkan terlebih dahulu.
5. Buat mata. Buat warna hitam lagi... kali ni sikit aje ceduk 1 sudu kecil agar-agar campur aje warna hitam. Guna lidi satay atau pencungkil gigi cucuk mata ikan. Lepas tu celup lidi tu dalam agar-agar warna hitam tadi dan cucuk mata ikan tu sampai dapat corak mata.

Dah jadi ikan karp.

Suzi guna 10 paket agar2 tali cap crocodile tu untuk kedua2 loyang agar-agar swiss roll tu. Bila nak letak swiss roll. Suzi jerang setengah paket agar-agar + 3 gelas air tanpa gula sebab swiss roll tu dah manis tak perlu guila lagi. Agar-agar tu pun mesti cair sikit. Suzi celup swiss roll tu dalam agar2 tawar ni dan susun dalam loyang. Biar sekejap untuk biar dia sejuk barulah tuang agar2 biasa yang dibawah ni dan hias dengan ikan2 yang dah keras tadi. Tuang agar2 biasa ni sampai had yang kita kehendaki. Lepas tu biar ajelah hingga agar-agar keras.


The recipe is extracted from "The Magic of Agar-agar" published by Bake With Yen.

Basic Jelly Recipe

A (Boiled jelly)
25 gm Jelly powder (I used string Jelly)
1200 ml/gm water
400gm sugar (I use rock sugar only)
A few pandan leaves ( I omitted this)
(I prepare hot water to mix with Jelly)

B (coconut milk mixture)
Mix the following together: (I use instant coconut chicken brand)
Equal amount of thick coconut milk
Equal amount of UHT Reconstituted Full Cream Milk (UHT Milk)

2 tablespoons Coconut-UHT Milk Mixture for 100gm of boiled jelly.
1 tablespoon Coconut -UHT Milk Mixture is approximately 15gms

1. Boil A until dissolved. Discard pandan leaves.
2. Put the jelly mixture in a double boiler to keep the jelly hot while you make the jelly layers or the jelly flowers.

1. The jelly recipe above is the basic recipes for all the jelly designs. if you are making a lot of designs, you an double or triple the recipes according to your requirement.
2. when making the colored and opaque layer, add 2 tablespoons of coconut-UHT milk mixture and a dash of coloring for 100gms of agar2 mixture.
3. For the colored and transparent layer, add 2 tablespoons of hot water for 100gms of agar2 mixture. (the adding of hot water is to ensure the gel strength is the same for the whole design).
4. for the flowers do not add hot water or thick coconut milk as the gel strength of the agar2 mixture will be diluted and the flowers will not be able to stand up. For the transparent flowers add only the coloring and for the opaque flowers add the coloring and the UHT milk.
5. when the jelly mixture is left to set, do not chill the jelly in the fridge until it is completely finished and ready to serve as the agar2 mixture will not stick together especially when you are doing the layers.
6. the liquid ingredients in this book are listed by weight (gm) instead of volume (ml) to ensure accuracy as it is easier to weigh than to look at measuring cup.

Fuh... now ... I can explain what I actually did here to make a fish.

I boiled jelly and rock sugar until dissolved. Switch off the stove. When it is about to harden I boiled them again.

I discard pandan leaves because I want to put in other flavoring to the colors I have chosen. Basically the fish uses 3 colors i.e. white, red and black or white, orange and black.

To make a fish:

  1. Sprinkle water or wet the fish mold. This is so that the jelly can be easily taken off the mold.
  2. take 50gm jelly and add red or orrange colouring. Add flavour to it too. I use strawberry flavour for red and mango flavour for orange colour. Add 1 table spoon of hot/warm water and mix them. Pour them into the fish mold. I usually pour at the fins, tail and the center of the body. Let it set for a while I make a mixture of black.
  3. Take 50gm jelly and mix with ”chef master” black colur with pandan clearless essence with 1 table spoon of hot/warm water. When the red/orange colour are set pour in the black mixture as you like.
  4. Take 150gm jelly and mix with 2 table spoon coconut milk and a bit of american white colour. When the black colour is set, pour in the white mixture until all mold is covered. At this time I don’t have UHT milk so I substitute with coconut milk plus white colour. UHT milk would bring out the white colour to the mixture. If you only use coconut milk the colour is not white, you will get opaque colour. I put the mold in the freezer to speed up the harderning process. Once it has hardern I took it out and place it on a wet tray.
    5. To make fish eyes I use black mixture. I took 1 small spoon of jelly and add chef master black colour. I use tooth pick to pock the eyes & dunk it in the black mixture and put them on the eyes until I am satisfied with the looks of the eyes.
    The fish is done.

    I use 10 packets of string jelly crocodile brand for 2 tray of swiss roll jelly. To place the swiss roll I boiled half packets of string jelly with 3 glass of water without sugar because the swiss roll is already sweet. I dip the swiss roll into the jelly mixture and place them into the pan. Let it set then pour in half of the balance of the clear jelly and place the fish and pour the balance of the jelly to cover the fish. Then let it harden and the jelly is ready to serve.